Frequently Asked Questions
This page contains list of commonly encountered problems and their solutions
Editing of data uploaded on portal
I am unable to log in?
This website only supports login IDs that are activated. Check with your supervisor, if your ID has been activated or not.
The website shows invalid login password? But I have entered correct password?
This website logs in using provided ID and password. If you are unable to log in, check the original portal. If you are still unable to log in, you might ask your supervisor to reset your password.
My account shows blocked/deactivated?
This is a mechanism to fight invalid logins. This restriction usually lasts a day. Wait for a day and then try again. There is nothing that can be done if your account gets blocked.
I am unable to log in. It shows server error, why?
This website uses third party servers to access the portal. It redirects the login requests to another server, which in response will handle the request and reply accordingly. There are currently following servers supported:
- Free server hosted on Heroku
- Primary Server (this website's server)
- Alternate server (hosted by Heroku)
You can switch between these servers by clicking the Advanced link on login page.
Additionally, you can set up your own server if the login problem still persists by following directions shown in this page.
The website does not show listing. On clicking Refresh, it shows message about fetching data and then stops without loading listing. Why?
This usually happens when the target server (portal) takes too long to list all the households in listing. And due to this congestion, the response gets dropped early and the portal is unable to load listing. A few retries may load the listing.
You should try doing this during a lean time - i.e. not during peak hours. Try in the evening, and you should see the listing.
If you are still unable to load the listing, simply install additional server on your device by following this link.
Why cannot I open another tab to see data side by side?
The website is designed to be opened in a single tab only. If you try to open a new tab, you will be required to sign in again (both login will work in parallel, but there may be data corruption). This is required so that latest information from the portal can be shown without requiring multiple refreshes.
Why am I logged out frequently?
Ideally, you will be logged out only after you close the tab in which work is being done.
The website has been designed to keep you logged in even if you are working using a mobile internet connection. And even if you get logged out due to some reason, it will automatically log you in (without you knowing). So that the working experience remains as smooth as possible.
If you are facing this issue consistently, it is advised to access the portal from a static IP address (generally on broadbands).
Correction Tool
Use this tool to rectify data problems in CSV files generated by UFSL app. This tool will remove the problems in file due to Excel and other softwares. It will also allow you to export the file in desired excel format.
I am unable to see my files when clicking on the select files. But UFSL app shows the data in my device?
This is default feature of Android to hide the files whose name starts with a dot. Ideally, you should export the file (Generate file) using the app and use the generated file with this tool.
I am getting too many messages for a single file. What to do?
This tool also finds warnings in the data like missing landmarks, incorrect line endings, incorrect time (Excel removes the seconds part from time when saving to CSV), invalid characters in structure name, owner name etc.
Some messages are which can be acted upon, while others are for your information only. To edit any household, you can click on the edit icon given in the message itself.
Why does it show possible area type as Bazar area, although my block does not have shops in it?
This tool suggests you auxiliary information based on the data found in the listing. It also determines based on the number of structures based on their description and tries to guess the type of area. It is purely a suggestive method, it may not reflect the actual situation. You are free to ignore these suggestions.
Why does it require me to fill details like JSO ID, NSRO Code etc?
This tool also exports the listing data to desired format in Excel and as CSV as well. Different details are required for both of these. Fill the details required for your purpose and then proceed.
It shows my listing is empty. But UFSL app shows data in my listing?
If your listing is shown empty, try to export it again from the UFSL app and then try again.
Some of my structures are missing. How do I get them back?
This tool will remove the entries with invalid data, like missing household count, missing all three of house number, building name and owner name. If you think any entry is missing, check with your CSV file (using Notepad preferably), which details are missing for that entry and then try again.
What does view data do?
You can view your whole listing in a single page and edit the data as per your requirement.
What does the export function do?
This will export all your data in Excel format which can be later merged using the merge tool.
Merge Tool
Tool to merge existing listing data exported in XLSX format
How can I merge UFSL listing using this tool?
You will need to export the UFSL listing in desired format using the correction tool. After that this tool can be used to merge multiple listing in single export file.
Why does it show my block twice in the list of files?
It will show you the file as many times as you will add it to the list. You can remove additional data using the remove button given in each item in the list.
Server Installation
Additional server installation
I am unable to install the application.
The application provided is basically a PHP server that will run the PHP code to do the basic tasks required for this portal to function. Do check if you have allowed installation from unknown sources.
If you are still not able to install the application, install any PHP server from Google Play Store like KSWeb (premium software) and copy the installation file in the server root folder (replacing, if necessary).
I installed a PHP server from Play Store. Now, what?
After installation, simply copy the second file provided in installation page into the server root of your application.
It is usually a folder named htdocs in your device's internal storage. Or it will be www folder or /www/public/ folder in your Internal storage. Check this with your application.
Advanced Tip: You can copy the file in a custom path inside your server's root path. Just make sure to visit the custom link every time you need to access the server.
I copied the file, now what?
After copying the file, simply start your server and visit the server's page using the link provided in the app itself like
This will install all the required files and this is a one time step. Next time you will only have to visit the link from your application and you will be shown home page.
The link gives me error saying installation failed?
The installation requires a working internet connection to proceed. Make sure that your device is connected to internet before starting the installation.
How do I edit portal data on the computer using this server?
You can enter the complete address of the server in the login page's advanced settings.
If you don't know the IP address of your device, then you can copy the link provided in the page opened by the application.
Open a browser tab in your browser on computer and type followed by any of the code provided in the page (without any space). For example
Additional Server
Additional server usage and tips
How to edit data using this server?
Start the server and click the link to open the webpage. If you want to edit data directly using your Android device, click on Open Portal link and use the appropriate tool to edit. For shortcuts, you will have smaller links on corners of the webpage.
How to edit data on computer using this server?
If you want to edit data using your computer, then connect the device and your computer to same WiFi (it works even with a hotspot). Then start the server and open the page following the link. On webpage, you will find a code. Type in your browser's address bar and then type the code. You will be redirected and then you can edit the data.
Alternatively, if you know the IP address of your device (Settings > WiFi > Advanced and there you will find the IP Address of device), you can open it in your computer with port address (most probably 8080). For example, if your IP address is and port number is 8080, type in address bar and hit enter. And you will have the portal page opened up.
How to edit UFS data on tablet/phone/computer?
To edit UFS data, you can open using the method above (or directly in the device) and click on the link shown in the page.
Note that you cannot edit portal data offline (and you will see a different background when you are offline).
Converter Tool
Tool to convert UFS related files from one format to another
Which files are supported in this tool?
This tool supports GeoJSON, GPX, KML and TCX files. If multiple tracks are found in single file, they will be listed as separate tracks and you will have option to export these in desired format.
How to output multiple tracks in single file?
This feature is not supported. However, you can import files with multiple tracks.
My file does not have timing details. How will this tool add timestamp to the file?
You will be given a configuration dialog box to apply timestamp to each point individually. You can configure speed and based on that speed, timestamp will be applied to the points automatically.
The same will be given if your file does not have altitude information. The tool will also try to estimate altitude information for points from the data already collected from other files within given distance.
Is there any restriction on number of files? And does my data gets saved on server?
No, there is no restriction on number of files you can convert. Also, all the conversion happens on your computer only and no data of your files leaves your system.
Editor Tool
Helper tool for work in Bhuvan
How do I access data using this tool?
To access data, you will need to install the additional server on the device where you have done field work using the official app. After installation, you will need IP address of the device (see above for more details) and both the device and computer connected to same network.
I am unable to log in using the IP address and path. How do I log in?
To log in you can use the code shown on the index page of your device, or you can also use the IP address and Port Number of your device to access the page.
If you are still unable to log in, you should make sure that your browser is not blocking insecure content. (See in your address bar for any messages.) This may happen as the server works on HTTPS while the data is accessed over non-secure channel from your tablet/device.
I am unable to edit data of some listing items. Why can I not edit them?
Only send later data has been shown for editing. Other data can only be viewed, but not edited.
What can this tool do?
With help of this tool you can view all the data related to your registration, household total for collected blocks, listing and boundary - unsent, failed and sent items.
You can also view the data for each listing item as well as for boundary. You can even edit data for send later items.
Download Server Helper
If you are facing problems accessing the server, or you need to edit listing on your computer, download the additional helper software on your Android device and make this more useful!
The detailed instructions will make installing the software a breeze. Try it now!